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jpegAGA 2.1 by Günther Röhrich
There are no new features in this release (compared to jpegAGA 2.0), only a
bug has been fixed.
jpegAGA is, at this time, the highest quality JPEG viewer (if a map-file for
that picture is available) To use it you need the AGA chipset, a 68020 or
higher processor and OS 3.0 or higher. This program uses the HAM8-mode, gray-
scale display will use 256-color-mode. Although jpegAGA 2.0 has many new
features it is still fully compatible to the previous versions.
If a precomputed colormap (a file with the ending .map) is available then
the picture will be displayed in a much higher quality compared to all other
With the supplied shell script you can create such map-files for all your
pictures. These files will only be 198 bytes long.
If a map-file is not available then you will get a lower quality display. For
grayscale display this file is not needed.
The advantages of jpegAGA:
- very high quality (better than any other viewer)
- complete source is available
- best compatibility to all JPEG pictures because the unmodified JPEG source
from the Independent JPEG group is used for decoding
(jpegAGA 2.0 uses version 5A)
- high speed gained by using the GNU C compiler and the 24-bit-RGB to HAM8 con-
verter written directly in assembly language
- support for grayscale JPEG's and for showing color pictures in grayscale
- automatic screen mode selection, depending on the size of the picture
- pictures can be shown at reduced size, useful for high speed previews
- they can be scaled automatically to fit completely on your screen
- when more than one picture is selected jpegAGA will load and decode the next
picture in the background while you are still looking at the previous one
This program and the supplied source is Public Domain, you can do what you want
with it. For the IJG JPEG sources please read the file README.
I have to thank the following persons/groups:
My betatesters:
Denis Ahrens (d.ahrens@bamp.berlinet.in-berlin.de)
Lars Tewes (LSR@quick.sh.sub.de)
Tim Reddy (tcreddy@prairienet.org)
and all the others not mentioned here.
The Independent JPEG Group (jpeg-info@uunet.uu.net):
for the source to decode/encode the JPEG picture format
Free Software Foundation, Inc. and all contributors for the GNU C compiler
and related tools
Martin Huttenloher (xen@magic.in-ulm.de)
for the wonderful MagicWB icons
Now let's go on with the real documentation:
Copy the programs from the bin directory anywhere into your shell's search
path. The file name extensions are showing for what processors they are com-
piled. After installation you should remove these extensions. Workbench users
can place the main program (jpegAGA.020) anywhere they want.
Extension 000: 68000 and 68010 processors, runs on all others too
Extension 020: only for 68020 or higher processors
Extension 020881: only for 68020 or higher processors with a coprocessor
All programs are compiled with the gcc compiler. The programs djpeg, cjpeg and
ppm2AGA will need the ixemul.library (version 39 or higher) in the LIBS:
directory. jpegAGA itself does not need this library.
For using the shell scripts CreateMap(Big) you have to assign JPEGTMP: to a
directory on your hard disk with enough free space. (e.g. assign JPEGTMP: HD:T)
The programs djpeg and cjpeg will eventually need this directory too.
The best solution is to add this command to the user-startup file.
The shell scripts CreateMap and CreateMapBig should be copied to the S:
directory. They assume that the programs djpeg and ppm2AGA are available (with
exactly these names) in the shell's search path and the JPEGTMP: directory
Invoking jpegAGA:
from the Shell:
jpegAGA options inputfiles
from the Workbench:
Double click on the program icon or on a project icon of your pictures. Of
course, you have to prepare the project icons first.
Shell-users can use the script PV for fast previews. It is used similar as
jpegAGA itself but lot of options are predefined. This saves you a lot of
work at typing in the shell.
The name of the JPEG-file that should be read. You can specify as many files as
you want, at any place in the command line. Wildcards (e.g. #?.jpg) are also
supported. If you want to use a file name that starts with "-" you must use "?"
instead. (Otherwise jpegAGA will assume that you used a wrong option.) If you
have not specified any file names a file requester will be displayed. You can
select multiple pictures with the Shift-key. Remove the default pattern if you
want to select file names that do not end with ".jpg" or ".jpeg".
If you started the program with a double click from Workbench you will also get
the file requester if you have not selected any pictures. (by using the Shift
key) It is much more comfortable when you create a project icon for each of your
pictures. As the default tool enter jpegAGA, including the complete path. Now
you can look at the picture simply by double clicking on it. You can select
multiple pictures with the extended selection feature of the Workbench. This is
recommended because jpegAGA will then use background loading and economize time.
All input files must be JPEG pictures in the JFIF format, either 24 Bit RGB or
Grayscale pictures will be shown on a 256 colors screen without extensive
computations. Unfortunately there are also grayscale pictures encoded in color
mode. You should use the -GRAY option for such pictures.
When showing the picture in color mode the map-file for this picture will be
used if it is available. The map-file must have the same name as the picture
with the additional ending .map. To support the PC-filesystem it will also
accept a name that has the extension replaced by ".map".
If a map-file is found this will be notified in the console window.
Examples for file names:
picture file: picture.jpeg map-file: picture.jpeg.map or picture.map
pic1.jpg map-file: pic1.jpg.map or pic1.map
jpegAGA will also try to find the map-file in the directory pointed to by
the environment variable MAPDIR.
Options can be used anywhere in the command line, they are case-insensitive.
If they are not set then internal default values will be used.
Workbench users can set options with the "ARGS" tool type.
(e.g. ARGS= -vga -scale 1/2 -gray)
If the picture has a icon then the tool types of this icon will also be taken
into account. These option will override those from the jpegAGA program icon,
but they are individual, only for a single picture. If you selected the picture
with the file requester the tool types of the pictures will not be processed.
This is also the case for Shell invocation.
Display picture in grayscale mode. This is much faster than color display and
is therefore useful for a fast preview.
The picture will always use the VGA screenmode (also called 'multiscan') for
display. Use this option when you know that the picture was intended for
displaying on a PC or other machines with square screen resolution.
(this is the case for most JPEG-pictures)
NOTE: With 'square' I don't mean that the screen has the same number of pixels
in horizontal and vertical direction. (e.g. 1024x1024)
I mean that a square composed of e.g. 100x100 pixels will be shown as a
square on the screen. Because a usual picture tube has a ratio of 4 to 3
the screen's resolution must be a multiple of that. (e.g. 640x480 because
640 4
--- = - )
480 3
This option will only be accepted if you also set the -VGA option. The SUPER72
screen mode will be used for very large pictures. You have to modify the SUPER72
monitor driver in most of the cases (e.g. with the program "moned") if you want
to get a square resolution in that mode.
-SCALE 1/x (new in version 2.0)
The picture will be scaled by a factor of 1/x. Supported are 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 and
1/8. Pictures at reduced size will be shown much faster, you can use this
option for a fast preview.
-FIT (new in version 2.0)
The picture will be scaled to fit completely on the screen. A tolerance of about
35 pixels is allowed. Scaling is possible only with the factors 1/2, 1/4 and
1/8. The options -VGA and -SUPER72 will also be taken into account. The SUPER72
mode will only be used if the picture is too big for a VGA screen.
-NOSMOOTH (new in version 2.0)
-DCT FAST (new in version 2.0)
With these options decoding is a bit faster but the picture quality gets worse.
You can use these options for fast previews.
-SMR (new in version 2.0)
When this option is set you can choose the screen mode with a requester. Back-
ground loading does not work any more because you must choose a screen mode
before a picture is shown. This option is ignored if it is set as a tool type
of a picture icon.
For picture icons there are additional options available. You can use them to
disable options that are set in the jpegAGA icon. For example, if you use the
option -NOGRAY in the picture icon then the picture will be shown colored, even
if the -GRAY option is set in the jpegAGA icon.
option counterpart (picture icon only)
If you started jpegAGA with a wrong option (e.g. -v) you will get a list of all
available options, including a short description. This works from Shell only.
There is also a JPEG decompression program included. It converts JPEG pictures
to the ppm format. (It is also needed for creating the map-files.)
To use it enter:
djpeg inputfile outputfile
In some cases djpeg will try to store temporary files to JPEGTMP:, you
have then to assign this directory to somewhere on your hard disk.
(for example assign JPEGTMP: HD:T)
For more informations read the included documentation.
With the program cjpeg you can create your own JPEG files.
Creating the map-files
These files are needed for showing color picture with best possible quality.
Normally, they are created by the shell-script CreateMap.
Usage: (from Shell)
CreateMap picturefile
After succesfull completion a map-file with the correct name will be created.
(On PC-filesystems too) You can process several pictures with a single invo-
cation. The command
SPat CreateMap pictures/#?.jpg
will create, for example, a map-file for all pictures with the extension .jpg
in the directory pictures.
If it is not possible to store the map-file at the same location as the picture
itself then it will be stored in the directory pointed to by the environment
variable MAPDIR. You can set the environment variable e.g. with the command:
setenv MAPDIR HD:tempdir
If you reset your machine the variable will get lost. To prevent this you can
use the command:
Now you can also show pictures from a CD-ROM with best possible quality.
NOTE: You must take care that the same map-file will not be used for different
pictures. Otherwise you will get lower picture quality.
With the shell-script "CreateMapBig" mapfile creation is much faster. While
decoding the picture it will be scaled down by 1/2. This does no harm (at
least for large pictures) because only the color distribution is of interest
and not the whole picture. For very big pictures you may even scale by 1/4, you
will have to edit the script a bit.
For small pictures (e.g. 320x200 pixels) you should not reduce the size and
use the normal "CreateMap" script. It is also recommended for use if you are
processing a complete directory with both big and small pictures.
If problems occur please check the following:
- Have you installed everything as it is described in the section
"Installation" ?
The files djpeg and ppm2AGA are needed under these names in the search path.
ixemul.library must exist in the LIBS: directory an the shell-script itself
must be in the S: directory.
attention: - ppm2AGA must have version 1.4 or higher
- use djpeg from this distribution only
- Have you assigned the directory JPEGTMP: correctly ?
- Has the hard disk partion enough free space ?
When using the CreateMapBig script less disk space will be needed.
- Is enough memory available ?
If not you can reduce memory usage by using the -M0 option with the shell
script. (See the documentation for ppm2AGA for more.)
example: CreateMap pic.jpg -M0 or SPat CreateMap #?.jpg -M0
- Is the disk, on which the JPEG-picture is stored, write enabled and does it
has enough free space ?
- Have you set the environment variable MAPDIR correctly ? You can check this
with the command: getenv MAPDIR
You can interrupt the shell-script at any time by pressing CTRL-C. In this case
all temporary files in the directory JPEGTMP: will be removed automatically.
The picture screen
You can move it around with the mouse. It also has an invisible, but full
functional drag bar and depth gadget. In color mode you will see errors at the
left side, they are caused by the HAM encoding. In this version they are
usually smaller than with other programs.
Pressing the right mouse button will close the screen or switch to the next
one. If there is not enough Chip RAM to open the next screen in the background
jpegAGA will wait till the previous screen will get closed and will try it
again. If the mouse pointer remains in the busy state after a picture is
completely finished then you will know that the next one is loaded in the back-
Pressing the left mouse button has no effect. This means that you can activate
another screen at any time and re-activate the picture screen again.
Pressing the Esc key will completely finish the program. This is useful if you
selected multiple pictures.
NOTE: Because of some bugs in the OS it can happen that pictures are shown
cropped or even totally corrupted. In this case you should move the picture
to the right till it is shown correctly.
If you have additional questions, suggestions for enhancements, bug reports,
Mungwall/Enforcer hits, etc. then please contact me. It would also be nice
if you would send me a corrected version of this manual. (and for ppm2AGA too)
Here is where you can get all the other programs and libraries that are included
in the jpegAGA archive. If you can find new versions in other places you should
use them, don't wait till they will appear in the jpegAGA archive!
Actual situation: (14-Jan-1995)
Included in the jpegAGA 2.0 archive: version 40.4, 68000, noFPU
Latest version: 40.4
Archive location (on Aminet): dev/gcc/ixem*lib.lha
djpeg, cjpeg
Included in the jpegAGA 2.0 archive: V5a
Latest version: V5a
Archive location (on Aminet): gfx/conv/jpegV*bin.lha
1.0 - 4-June-1994
- first public release
1.1 - 5-October-1994
- added the option -SUPER72
- the picture screen no longer flashes when closing it and the delay is much
smaller now
- map-files will also be searched in the directory pointed to by the MAPDIR
environment variable
- if a map-file is not found the user will get informed that he/she should
create one
- file/path names of any length are now accepted
2.0 - 14-January-1995
- slightly faster
- the ixemul.library is not needed any more
- version 5A of the JPEG source from the Independent JPEG Group is used
(instead of V4 in jpegAGA 1.x)
- input buffer size is now 32768 bytes, normal dos.library calls will be
used for all file operations
- added the options -SCALE, -FIT, -NOSMOOTH, -DCT FAST and -SMR
- added the background loading feature
- pressing the Esc button will completely stop the program, pressing the
right mouse button switches to the next picture
- the picture screen opens with the correct colors, no flashing after
- multiple files and wildcards are supported, at any place in the command
- selecting the pictures with a file requester is possible
- full Workbench support, but there is still no GUI
- messages in the console window are much better
- there is now a makefile for the Aztec compiler supplied with the source
- enhanced the HAM8 encoder, if you move the picture screen around the
errors on the left side will be much smaller
2.1 - 4-February-1995
- bug fixed: when the window or the temporary bitmap could not be opened on
a screen the program will operate now correctly
My spare time is very limited because I am now studying Electrical Engineering
at the University Stuttgart. Therefore I am searching for other developers to
cooperate with me and beta-testers for testing purposes. I am especially sear-
ching for someone to write a GUI.
If you want to join in then please contact me. I will then create a detailed
description of the source. You can use any C development system available for
the Amiga but only the gcc compiler will create the best possible optimization.
To recompile ppm2AGA you need the newiff package from Commodore.
V37 is available on Fish-disk 705, V39 on the "3.1 Amiga Developer Update"
disks and on Aminet.
To contact me write to:
electronic mail: normal mail:
**************** ************
Guenther@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de Günther Röhrich
(Internet EMAIL) Lerchenbergstr. 4
73733 Esslingen
If you don't get an answer to a EMAIL within 3 weeks then try it again
with normal mail.
For compiling the programs you will need the OS 3.x includes. They are available
in the "3.1 Amiga Developer Update" or on the Fresh Fish CD-ROM's.